The AthLife Foundation provides grant funding to High Schools and Middle Schools willing create and develop a professional student-athlete development staff position known as an Academic Athletic Coach.
Once established, the Academic Athletic Coach will create, develop, and implement effective programming that promotes the ideals of Positive Youth Development through Sport, and utilize the sport experience as a powerful vehicle to promote academic achievement, strengthen life & leadership skills, develop holistic programming, and prepare deserving kids to compete in their future careers beyond sport.
Grant funding is made available mostly through strategic geographic partnerships, and through our Board of Directors led fundraising campaign to support the AthLife Foundation General Fund.
Schools that traditionally serve students from; lower socioeconomic public, non-public, Tribal/BIE schools, schools with statistically lower graduation rates, lower post-secondary matriculation rates, and higher percentages of students from single or no-parent households, are strongly encouraged to apply.
The grant process is competitive. To get started and set up an account in our grants portal CLICK HERE.