Featured Authors

Dr. Rob Fazio – Managing Partner of OnPoint Advising, Inc.AAEAAQAAAAAAAAPkAAAAJGE5MzM1YjMzLWZlMzctNDBmMy04YjA2LTFjYmExZGMzM2M4NA

Dr. Rob Fazio is the author of Simple is the New Smart. He is the Managing Partner of OnPoint Advising, Inc. Rob partners with executives, athletes, and businesses internationally to guide them toward success.  As a graduate student at Springfield College in 1998-99, Rob took on the role of Academic Athletic Coach at James Hillhouse High School in New Haven, CT, creating one of the more successful high impact student athlete development programs in the country at the time.

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Dr. SolScreen Shot 2016-02-04 at 8.40.49 PMomon Hughes – Undergraduate Advising at Stanford University 

Solomon Hughes played basketball for the University of California Bears from 1998-2002. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from The University of California at Berkeley. He has a PhD in Higher Education from the University of Georgia, and works with nonprofits on college athletics recruitment issues.  Solomon serves on the AhLife Foundation National Advisory Board, and has been an annual workshop presenter at AthLife Foundation Conferences.

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